What are Value Transport Vehicles for?

value-transport-vehiclesThe Carriage of Values consists of an escort service of Armed Security Guards generally carried out with the armored vehicles of the Supervisory Institute. The most prestigious banking institutions request this type of service, but also large-scale retail trade, the most successful companies in the international goldsmith and jeweler sector.

Value transport vehicles are vehicles fitted with a special body, built entirely in ballistic steel and can be used for both urban and extra urban transport. Nuova Fontauto offers the following services:

  • Collection and delivery “door to door” of precious materials, valuables and jewelers
  • Transports considered “special” for samples and fairs
  • Transportation or storage of gold and silver in the safety vault
  • Transport and values in the specific safety boxes
  • Assured storage of products for short, medium and long periods


The vehicles transporting valuables offered by Nuova Fontauto

Nuova Fontauto operates throughout the national territory carrying out transport services, custody of valuables, valuable raw materials, high fashion garments, winnings in competitions and transfers of samples for exhibitions and fairs. Nuova Fontauto provides for each type of customer, crews composed of specialized technicians and dedicated vehicles, in compliance with the highest standards of safety and technological development worldwide. Every day of the year, 24 hours a day, our value transport vehicles travel the country’s roads, guaranteeing a high quality service throughout the territory.

Every Nuova Fontauto vehicle meets all the European regulations on Transportation Values and has a constantly controlled private vault, inside which all valuable objects are inserted. In carrying out both the custody and transport work, the vigilante is required to document, together with the customer, all the goods that are entrusted to him. This is done to ensure that in the event of robbery / loss / loss of all or only part of the objects, an estimate of the damage can be made. Our design philosophy is always extended with new types of multi-role vehicles in the community safety service.


Choose the Nuova Fontauto value transport vehicles


Nuova Fontauto has been a leader in the security sector for over a century. After a radical change that has affected the entire company, Nuova Fontauto has decided to expand its range of action, developing new collaborations with the major ballistic materials manufacturers existing globally.

Laminated glasses, special steels, highly resistant ceramics and finally fabrics suitable for every use requirement. The new 11,000 square meter organizational structure is made up of highly qualified technicians. Thanks to the use of cutting-edge 3D design software, it is possible to customize each product to the smallest detail. Safety is our priority. Reliability and attention to detail are what sets us apart.

Nuova Fontauto is able to satisfy all your requests in the security sector: vehicle armor, armored vehicles for transporting valuables and money, fitting out and armoring special vehicles for troop transport and special shelters for every intervention need on the field.